Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dispute Resolution... Talk About It!

"If we just would have talked about it when it happened... we could have avoided all of this."
Does this sound familiar? Too often in life do we react without talking to the other party to see if things can be worked out. This past week it seemed to be a common theme among clients with Frazier & Hill. We received many complaints about landlords, employers and, yes, spouses. The first question I always ask after I allow the client vent their frustrations or complaints is, "Did you talk to them about it?" The answer is usually, "No." The first direction I typically give to the client is providing the client with specific questions to ask in order to see if the client can resolve the issue without my intervention. This is contrary to my immediate fiscal gain but it is a good business practice. Many times, this ends the conflict, but sometimes it does not.
We are to be peacemakers among men.
That is what Frazier & Hill tries to accomplish for its clients... peace. We attempt to provide peace and satisfaction by taking into consideration the clients desired outcome and doing what it takes to accomplish it. An open line of communication with the client, the party that the client's dispute is with and opposing counsel forces the parties to communicate, to discuss the issues and work towards a resolution.
Today, if you have a problem with your landlord, boss, husband or wife, speak with them about it. Lay the issues out and see if you can work it out.
At the end of the day, if you can't work through it (and I encourage you to work through it), we will be happy to assist you.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
James Frazier
Frazier & Hill, PA

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Automobile Insurance

One of the most difficult things we deal with after an accident is sorting through insurance coverage for the individual or company at fault and our client. Just recently a client of Frazier & Hill, a young man in his 20's, suffered a broken neck causing him to lose the use of his extremities. The individual who caused the accident did not have any insurance and our client carried only $10,000.00 of uninsured motorist coverage. Our client's bills were over $250,000.00 and he could no longer work. This was terrible news that we had to give this young man and his family. There would be no compensation for his injuries and no way to pay the outstanding medical bills and the bills to come in the future.
We don't want this to be you or a loved-one.
Automobile insurance is important and far too often do individuals cut coverage to save only $10.00 or more a month. This isn't where you want to cut your budget.
Frazier & Hill advises its clients to carry a minimum of $100,000.00 Bodily Injury coverage and $100,000.00 Uninsured Motorist coverage. We typically see these coverages protect and adequately cover a large percentage of all automobile injury claims. Plus, in Florida Uninsured Motorist coverage typically covers you in both a loss where the defendant driver does not have any bodily injury coverage and where the defendant driver does not have enought bodily injury coverage.
If you can also afford it, we encourage our clients to carry Medical Payments under their policy. Medical Payments provides additional coverage for medical bills that you may incur as a result of injuries sustained in an accident. Most likely your current policy will only pay 80% of your medical bills up to a total of $10,000.00. Medical Payments will provide you with an additional $5,000.00 or more that will not only cover the remaining 20% of these bills, but provide you with 100% of each bill up to a total of $5,000.00.
Should you have questions about your policy, would like us to review your policy or have questions about medical bills incurred from an automobile accident, please contact us at 407-637-5890 or .