Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dispute Resolution... Talk About It!

"If we just would have talked about it when it happened... we could have avoided all of this."
Does this sound familiar? Too often in life do we react without talking to the other party to see if things can be worked out. This past week it seemed to be a common theme among clients with Frazier & Hill. We received many complaints about landlords, employers and, yes, spouses. The first question I always ask after I allow the client vent their frustrations or complaints is, "Did you talk to them about it?" The answer is usually, "No." The first direction I typically give to the client is providing the client with specific questions to ask in order to see if the client can resolve the issue without my intervention. This is contrary to my immediate fiscal gain but it is a good business practice. Many times, this ends the conflict, but sometimes it does not.
We are to be peacemakers among men.
That is what Frazier & Hill tries to accomplish for its clients... peace. We attempt to provide peace and satisfaction by taking into consideration the clients desired outcome and doing what it takes to accomplish it. An open line of communication with the client, the party that the client's dispute is with and opposing counsel forces the parties to communicate, to discuss the issues and work towards a resolution.
Today, if you have a problem with your landlord, boss, husband or wife, speak with them about it. Lay the issues out and see if you can work it out.
At the end of the day, if you can't work through it (and I encourage you to work through it), we will be happy to assist you.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
James Frazier
Frazier & Hill, PA

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